You can talk to other players across the realm in Puzzle Quest 3! Select the speech bubble icon in the top-left of the screen to use the chat.
The global chat allows you to talk to other players connected to chat in Puzzle Quest 3 or to talk to your Kingdom or Party members. To avoid a ban, make sure you avoid inappropriate language or behavior which is against the Community Guidelines.
Join global chat
The global chat can be accessed from most parts of the game. To connect to global chat:
- Select the Chat icon (speech bubble) from the top left of the screen
- In the confirmation box, select Yes
- You will join the first available chat channel which is not full.
Leave global chat
To leave global-chat:
- Open the Chat menu
- Select Disconnect on the right of the Chat menu.
This will disconnect you from the World Chat.
Chat settings
In the chat settings, you can adjust a number of functions relating to the global chat, including:
- Font Size
- Change channels
- Join a channel with another language
- Disconnect from Global Chat
- Send Players Friend Requests
- To send a player a friend request, select them in chat > View Details > Send Friend Request at the bottom of their profile.
- View your Blocked Players list
- To block a player, select them in chat > Block Chat Messages
Chat History
When you open the chat some of the previous conversations will be saved so you can read back on what happened while you were offline.
Player Reporting
We want everyone to have a positive experience playing Puzzle Quest 3. To help you feel safe when issues arise, if you see inappropriate behaviour you can block and report other players in-game.
- To block a player, select them in chat > Block Chat Messages
- To unblock a player, select Block List > Select Player you wish to Unblock
Report other players for one of four offences by selecting their profile, then select Report
There are four types of reports that can be made:
- Inappropriate chat - Rude, discriminatory, or disruptive behaviour that causes harm to others in the game
- Offensive name - A player-name that is offensive
- Chat spam - Excessive messages or content spam in chat
- Hacking or cheating - Exploiting, modifying, or otherwise hacking or cheating in the game to gain an unfair advantage
The Puzzle Quest 3 community team will investigate the report and the player will be judged against the guidelines. They will be banned or otherwise have action taken against them based on the severity of the report.
For a full list of Community Guidelines, click here
Providing information on the report
We don't comment on the process of our investigations with a player who is reported. We believe in keeping the process as unbiased as possible to provide a fair outcome and to keep the privacy of the person being reported secure. If a Puzzle Quest 3 developer responds to you with a standard response, this means that we have read your report and will investigate the player shortly.
Banning and unbanning players
If you don't see them banned or don't notice action taken in the game immediately, this can mean that they did not completely break a community guideline, we did not have enough information to act, they will be banned in the near future - and we're processing it shortly - or they were not "in the wrong" or directly breaking the guidelines in this particular scenario.
NOTE: If you see the player breaking the guidelines again you can report them again after a new offense.
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